Friday, November 25, 2011

Images from Occupy LA/ 22 November

Homeland Security cruises past the encampment.

Across the street is the OccupyLA encampment on the south lawn of City Hall.

Entering the camp, walking toward the plaza.
The re-decorated plaza.
It is what it is. Whatever that is.
Gathering in the plaza.
Outside the media center.
Occupation residents on the south lawn.
Indigenous people's sacred space.
Do you know about Chemtrails?
Welcome to the kids' space.
Behind this wall is the Kid Village.
Inside the Kid Village.

1 comment:

  1. I've been supporting Occupy Seattle, though not camping out: I'm 76, and it's a lot colder and wetter here than in L.A. You inspire me to remember to take my camera tomorrow to photograph the tents here. There's not quite so many today as there were two weeks ago, when my camera's batteries gave out. Our mayor, like so many, ordered the occupiers out of a downtown square, But so far a local public college is letting them stay on the campus, where they are joined by our once-a-week farmers' market each Sunday. It makes for a fascinating conjunction of activists against corporate power. The one big sign that advertised the Hispanic presence has disappeared, alas. But there's huge support for the occupiers here, Not all the protesters are young, and most are well-educated, Of course, Seattle-ites are notoriously liberal!
