Thursday, September 13, 2018

Manifesto 6.0 (Practice Draft)

     The spectre haunting Europe in Marx & Engels' day now overshadows the world. The collapse of empires, the blight of war, the mindless exploitation of Nature, the persistent devaluation of life --all life, not just human life-- these are the signs and symptoms of a pathological culture on its way to ecocide and extinction. Redemption, if it is possible, can only be achieved by global revolution overthrowing the present world order. The spectral forces of alienated labor, resistance to illegitimate authority, recognition of universal human rights, the struggle for social justice, these assume material form in solidarity and community.
     By now, the early years of the XXI century, it is clear that there is an elite class of humans --less than 1% of all humans-- whose decisions determine the use and distribution of human and natural resources necessary to sustain life on Earth. It is equally clear that their decisions have resulted in the present conditions of conflict, poverty, disease and environmental degradation. They continue to pursue social and economic policies that preserve and protect their positions of privilege, power and authority. 
     It is no secret that the immiseration of the majority of humans will increase, even as our numbers decline in the wake of endless wars and plagues that become more frequent and lethal. It is no secret that the oceans are dying, warming as they become more acidic, killing coral reefs, melting the polar ice caps. Drought and wildfire, followed by storms and flood, are reducing crop yields, devastating forests, turning grasslands into deserts. There is no relief or rescue on the horizon. There is perhaps, the possibility of transformation through revolutionary action, but the spectral forces of imagination, invention, organization and cooperation must coalesce and unite even as classes, castes, divisions and heirarchies dissolve and merge, giving rise to a new order, a global awareness, a planetary consciousness that holds fast to the truth that Earth, our homeworld, is alive, sacred and finite.

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